brett anderson
前前後後, suede (brett anderson)已經來了香港5次
幸運地, 5次自己都可以欣賞到他的演出
當年大家還是中學生時, 現在大家已在社會做事
99年那次在會展, 是head music 的 world tour(見下圖), 一心一意約當時一位心儀的女同學去
但她當然的拒絕; 促使我在icq上找到了vivian和angela(兩位忠實的suede fans), 自此以後我就有"演唱會腳"了; 只是演唱會才約會的朋友。
就是和vivian去看brett anderson的演出, 轉眼間已差不多十年
更加感慨的是, 她即將披上嫁衣。(嫁去一個和香港有15個小時差的地方)
其實和vivian還有一段小插曲, 就是當時心儀的女同學對"約定"這首歌十分有興趣
我還大安旨意以為是王菲的歌曲, 想買一隻cd給她作一份小禮物。
幸得vivian拔刀相助, 找到了周蕙的"周蕙精選"
或許這一位心儀非常的女同學已記不起來, 但我還記得她接到這隻cd時的笑容
不過, 她喜不喜歡brett anderson
我沒有必要加強自己意願於他人身上, 何況是自己喜愛的人?
Don't Write Me Off
It's never been easy for me
To find words that go along with a melody
But this time there's actually somthing on my mind
So please forgive these few brief awkward lines
Since I met you my whole life has changed
It's not just the furniture you re-arranged
I was living in the past
But somehow you brought me back
and I havn't felt like this since before Frankie said relax
and now I know based on my track record
I may not seem like the safest bet
All I'm asking you is
Don't write me off just yet
For years I've been telling myself the same old story
That I'm happy to live off my so called form
or glorys
but you've given me a reason
to take another chance
now I need you inspite the fact
that you've killed all my plants
and now I know
that i've already blown more chances
then anyone should ever get
all I'm asking you is
don't write me off just yet
don't write me off just yet